



最近股市多了一些SAAS、IAAS或PAAS公司,他们大多有高速的销售增长,但盈利欠奉,甚至转亏为盈的日子遥遥无期。贴钱买销售的企业策略,当然不能持久,如何分辨这些公司的优劣?以前互联网时代投资者看 burn rate, 只能用作估计现金能持续多久;近几年风头公司有一个「四十定律」的方法,综合分析公司的增长和盈利能力。


四十定律(R40)适用于中小型软件公司,将公司的增长率加上盈利比率,若超过四十是好公司,低于四十是问题公司。增长率通常是用年度销售增长,盈利比率则各家不同,但不少人使用EBITDA margin。根据R40的原创人Richard Feld 的解释,如果销售增长仅有20%,公司盈利水平应有20% EBITDA margin,即使R40 = 20 + 20 = 40;假如有50%增速,EBITDA margin 可以是 -10%,R40 = 50 – 10 = 40。理念非常简单,假如公司增长很快,它可以暂时不盈利,假若增长放缓,则必须交出盈利成绩。









一般来说,京东健康这样的大型IPO会提升相关公司的景气度。但是阿里健康的股价却在京东健康IPO消息宣布后跌了5%以上,主要是因为市场还无法决定两家公司长期谁会成为行业龙头;并且不久之前蚂蚁集团IPO被取消以及互联网行业的反垄断法的出台,让市场担心阿里系公司面临的监管风险。京东健康2019年的营收比阿里健康要高出28%。 但是阿里健康2017-2019年的营收增速是京东健康的两倍。两家公司同样在发展早期阶段,都是刚能实现收支平衡。

两家公司相比, 阿里健康的优势是,阿里巴巴超过7亿的用户远大于京东的4亿用户群,这能为阿里健康的增长带来支持;京东健康的优势是京东强大的物流配送体系能够提供高效的配送。




上个星期我们看到蚂蚁集团的IPO被突然取消和美国大选的拉锯战。在经历了如此戏剧性的一周之后,由于辉瑞的新冠候选疫苗有效率高达90%的消息以及中国政府出台针对互联网巨头的反垄断法,股市波动率继续维持高位。 疫苗的利好消息导致投资者从科技股和疫情受益股转向传统经济行业和疫情封锁中受到损害的行业。在上周大多数指数在上涨的时候,那些对科技公司进行大量投资的人却感觉像是发生了股市危机! 其实大部分科技股的基本面都没有发生变化,只是很多投资人对科技股的持仓比例已经过重了。而现在当大家能够看到疫情结束的曙光时,投资者发现自己有了更多选择。

那么,我们是否应该出售科技股并转向银行,石油和旅游业等传统经济行业? 答案尚不清楚,因为这个决定确实取决于每个投资者的投资周期和能力。包括FAANMG和ATMX在内的全球大型互联网巨头都是行业领导者和赢家,他们的收入增长态势坚若磐石。 另一方面,传统经济股都受到各种各样负面因素的困扰。 他们唯一的吸引力就是估值便宜和投资者在这些股票上的持仓比例低。 如果你是一个看好巨型互联网公司的投资人,即使短期内遭受损失,持仓一年以内也很有可能会赚钱;如果持有这些股票更长时间,你将获得更多! 另一方面,如果持有传统经济股票,则需要大量宏观环境上的变化以及一点运气才能看到它们持续不断地上升。

















The hoisting of typhoon 8 yesterday afternoon has brought a rare peace and quiet time. While the city's social unrests have hijacked the local media and dominated most discussions, the rare off-day has provided a good opportunity for me to find time to answer a very popular question that I've been regularly asked: will the cut in US rates send HK property prices soaring again? The local real estate market is the most important source of wealth and has enjoyed the best and longest uptrend ever, fuelled partly by ample liquidity and low interest rate.

To answer the question, one must understand why US Fed is cutting rates, and what are the likely consequences.
Is the Fed's rate cut a precautionary measure or is it part of a series of cuts to head off a recession? Fed chairman Powell said it's a mid-term adjustment, in other words, precautionary. This is not what the market had hoped, and worse off, his delivery was uncertain! However, given how strong US economic data has been so far, the chance of this being a precautionary cut is high. In other words, we probably won't a more than expected rate reduction to drive further yield compression.

So, the answer is most likely a no. Property prices here won't rise on this cut, and further cuts will be limited. Note that low interest rate is just part of the formula behind strong property prices. Economic growth and supply are just as important. Since HK prime rate only moved up a quarter percent when US rates moved up a staggering 2.25% since 2016, the reversal in direction is therefore insignificant. However, if the rating agencies decided to downgrade HK sovereign rating on prolonged social unrests, HIBOR will move up, so will mortgage rate, then it would be a big surprise if prices can still hold up! For now, the most important driver for local property market is definitely economic growth. China is softening without much incentive for stimulus, and Hong Kong's GDP growth is being revised downward rather quickly at the moment.

Separately, the impact of interest rate cut to the US stock market is more direct. History shows that if the cut is precautionary, S&P 500 would rise more than 20% a year after the first cut. But if a recession indeed comes, the index would end up falling in a double digit rate for the same period.

Hong Kong is now in typhoon season, maybe we will get more peaceful time to think.

Walter Chang
ROC Investment Management










One of the questions we often get is the correlation between Chinese policy intentions and Chinese share price performance. If a new policy initiative is believed to be good for the economy in the long run, why do share prices still suffer as a result?
Among the truisms about investing in China we’ve heard over the years, the one repeated most often is that the Chinese market is very policy-driven. Traditional finance theory tells us that the main determinant of the value of a company is its ability to create value over a long term, expressed often in the form of present value of discounted future cash flows. Yet, to be able to create value, management of a company must be able to invest for the long term, and a friendly regulatory regime would be most beneficial. Active and frequent changes in regulations in China, well intentioned more often than not, present uncertainties at best, and at worst, can even destroy value.
One good example is the Chinese property development sector. Property development companies produce unique products, in the form of well-located flats in cities, that people in China want to buy, or in fact, aspire to own. Most are selling their products at 30-50% growth rates in longer term delivery contracts, which means their future revenues are locked in before they deliver their products. China’s insatiable demand, due to its sustained march towards urbanization, drives much of the demand. Yet why does the entire sector sell at mid to low single digit PE multiples only? This is because Chinese housing sector faces one of the most stringent policy headwinds anywhere. Equity investors deem that it is difficult to predict how much value these developers can create longer term, and hence they ascribe virtually very little value for the sustainability of the sector’s collective businesses. Granted, if regulations were more favorable, the sector could soak up all possible domestic liquidity and we would truly have an asset bubble and a pending economic crisis. It is still hard to justify the sector’s valuation based on asset value either.
Another example is Chinese education. If you ask any middle-class Chinese family, spending on their children’s education is one of the biggest discretionary expenditure of their household budgets. Studies have shown that Chinese families spend over one third of their household budgets in tuition, after school tutoring and related services. In many cases that number exceeds 50%. The education business is a positive cash flow business where students pay first before schools offer services. As Chinese families grow wealthier, they are more willing to spend more. Many of these school groups can hike tuition fees periodically and expand their capacity to increase enrolment. The listed players have the financial wherewithal to consolidate smaller players and gain economies of scale. However, a recent draft law aimed at clarifying some ambiguities for future development of private schools did the exact opposite for their share prices. A well- intentioned policy caused many listed school groups to drop 30-40% in share prices overnight. Listed companies scramble to explain the changes to investment public. This kind of policy induced price volatility makes a mockery of the advantages of long-term investing if you are already invested

Emerging markets continue to receive inflows from developed markets since Brexit.  During the last several weeks, central banks in UK, Australia and New Zealand have all embarked in easing programs through bond buying and interest rate cuts.  There are already a handful of countries with sovereign debts that are in negative rates territory, and it looks like more will join this ignominious club.  Asset allocators have little choice but to take on more risks and in their search for more return, emerging markets fit the bill. The political instability of Europe versus that of emerging markets, especially Asia, makes such shift even more credible.  While most of the inflows to emerging markets have been into fixed income, some went into the equity markets as well.


From an equity investor point of view, it is very clear that the rise in index value or share prices have little to do with the improvement in growth of the underlying companies.  The price appreciation has more to do with the acceptance of lower returns and the chase of yield.  Stocks that give predictable and steady dividends with bond like nature have run up the most amidst the current yield compression trend.  Riskier bets go to dividend paying companies that have less predictable business model.  If the trend continues, it is possible that it could extent into the more inferior companies.


Is this the beginning of a bull market in Asia Equity?  No! A bull market is formed by a general pickup in growth of corporate earnings, and it is usually accompanied by a “theme”.  Currently we have neither.  It is however very clear that there is a super bull market for global fixed income.  Equities should continue to do well as long as the bond markets are prosperous, but equities won’t outperform fixed income.  If the fixed income markets start to come off for whatever reasons, absent a pickup in economic growth, equities will surely fall just as much, if not more.  Investors are advised to remember that the root of the current inflow that buoy equity market levels come from the bond market.


We suggest that equity investors should take the following approaches.  They should continue to add yield stocks in their portfolio as they are acting like bonds and their high yields will compress.  They should also increase their exposure to long term winners as these would only get more expensive as winners are hard to come by.  At the margin, they should work harder to look for turnaround stories.  Although without faster growth in the economy, turnarounds are not easy to be found.  A twist to this approach is to look for credible but downtrodden companies that are becoming less bad.  This should work as risk appetite increases.